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Fall 2000 SChedule* |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
10:00-10:50am 11:00-11:50am |
12:30-1:30pm |
10:00-10:50am 11:00-11:59am |
10:00-10:50am |
2:00-4:00pm 4:00-4:50pm |
2:00-3:20pm CS 556 VKC 102
2:00-2:50pm 3:00-3:50pm |
2:00-3:20pm CS 556 VKC 102
3:30-5:30pm |
5:00-5:50pm Lab Class 201 |
5:00-7:50pm CS 585 OHE 122 |
4:00-6:40pm BUSN 453 at Biola |
6:30-9:10pm |
CS 201: This semester, I am the TA for a sophomore-level class called "Software Development", taught by Claire Bono. I have about 6 office hours a week, plus I teach the lab classes.
CS 597: Seminar in Computer Science Research. Required for all first-year PhD students. Professor Laurent Itti runs the course, but every week we have a new lecturer explain his area of reasearch.
CS 556: Introduction to Cryptography. Taught by Professor M.D. Huang. This is mostly a math class about the mathematics behind cryptography. Main textbook: Neal Koblitz "A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography" (ISBN 0-387-94293-9).
Other Text: Bruce Schneier "Applied Cryptography" (ISBN 0471117099)
CS 585: Database Systems. Taught by José Masias ("Call me José") from Chile. A basic class on databases. José makes the class entertaining. We're going to have to write a relational database for the final project. The textbook is "Fundamentals of Database Systems" (ISBN 0-8053-1755-4)
CS 571: "Issues of Programming Language Design" is the official title. But back in 1999 or so, when Ellis Horowitz taught the class, it sort of changed to a class that would better be named "Web Programming". Taught by Professor K.V. Bapa Rao. Part of the homework for this class is installing a web server. We don't have any required texts for this class, instead, we'll use mostly online references, and there's a list of suggested books. I think the first half of this class will be fairly easy for me, since I know a lot of it already.
*USC's use of "SC"
USC has a habit of putting its initials "SC" wherever it can on names of things, brochures, and the USC literature. That's why I called this "SChedule".Here are some other examples:
BUSN 453: "Internet Marketing Technologies" For five weeks of the semester, I'm doing a seminar at Biola for business majors about how to create web pages. During those weeks, I won't teach the 3:00pm USC lab. I'll be doing this Oct 9,23,30,Nov 6,13. These four classes that I'm taking are 3 units each, except the 1-unit seminar, so I have 10 units total this semester. USC pays for my tuition since I'm a TA for the department.
"OHE 122", "SLH 102", and "VKC 102" refer to the classroom locations. Campus maps available at the Visit USC web site.
Part of the reason I put this web page together is because it helps me organize my weekly schedule. I'm still getting used to what I have to do each day. So putting this online makes a handy reference. Another reason for putting this online is that I think it will be interesting to look back on, when enough time has passed, say after September 2008. I did a page like this for Fall 2001, too.
Getting there. I bought the EZPass, which lets me ride the bus and the train for free for the whole month. I have been driving to the Norwalk train station, then riding the Green Line to the Harbor Freeway exit, then Express Bus #550 straight to USC.
It takes longer to ride the train and the bus, but it's cheaper than paying $6/day for parking, and less stressful. I can sit there and read or study on my way.
Created and maintained by Matthew Weathers.
Last updated Apr 20, 2006.