Biola Turns 100

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Biola's Centennial - 100th Birthday

Earlier this week, on Monday February 25, 2008, Biola University turned 100 years old. Here are some pictures from that weekend.

Sunday night, there was a concert on campus, in the gym, featuring Switchfoot. Right at midnight, Dr. Barry Corey, Biola's president, brought out a cake with 100 candles on it. We counted down to midnight, then he blew out the candles:

switchfoot corey

switchfoot midnight


The night before, there was a fancy dinner "Biola's Centennial Legacy Gala" at the Biltmore hotel, which is near the original location of Biola in downtown Los Angeles. Here are some pictures from that night:

Gala Reception

Biola's presidents: Dick Chase, Barry Corey (current), Clyde Cook.

Senator Thune
Biola graduate Senator John Thune spoke.

This week, Biola's front page on the web site looks like this:

Biola Web Page

All of the above pictures were taken by official Biola photographers. Next, see some of my pictures of the Centennial Legacy Gala.

[Next: Page 2]

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Created and maintained by Matthew Weathers. Last updated Feb 29, 2008.