Snaker Game

Fun Stuff > 1999 > Snaker


In November 1999, I made a game called Snaker.  You can download it here. Also, this page has some of the high scores and screen shots from those games.

You can download version 2 of the game here: Snaker2.exe (for Windows 95/98/NT).


And here is the story of the conquest of the game:

Mark S. was the first to achieve a score way above anything anyone had ever seen.  He sent me this message:

Sunday, November 21, 1999 2:42:24 PM

snaker two.... 63,300.

and my lady was watching!!

later, mark

That gave Gary Sikes something to beat. The next day, 11/22/1999, he played and played and finally got 85350


Which was quite impressive.  Of course, I couldn't let Gary beat me at my own game, so that night, shortly after midnight, at 12:42am, 11/23/1999, I got lukcy with a lot of the blue cookies on the screen, and just kept eating a bunch  of them.  They're worth 500 each. I finally lost when I got lost within the snake, and couldn't tell where I was going, and ran out of blue bust-thru power.  My score was 86750, which barely squeeked by Gary's 85350 earlier.

Gary couldn't let me have the score for long, and tried the same technique of concentrating on the blue cookies. So, about 12 hours later, he came up with a score of 127,350 points. He had started eating through the walls, and had eaten about half of them before dying:

After he got that score, he said that his goal was to completely clear the screen of walls, and eat everything. So finally, On the afternoon of the 24th, Thanksgiving Eve, he did it, with a score of 195,650:


So, now I declare Snaker version 2 to be officially beaten. Now I'll have to go off and make another version. I'm thinking of adding levels, and making it so you have to eat all the cookies on a screen before going on to the next version. I also need to add some sort of thing to keep track of the high score.

After you quit snaker, this is what it says:


From: (your name or email address, or anonymous)

Your message to Matthew:

Created and maintained by Matthew Weathers. Last updated Apr 20, 2006.