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(562) 322-7427

It is okay to call or text any time, 24 hours a day.
(I silence my phone when I'm busy, asleep, or unavailable.)


Social Media

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My big channel. I've posted several videos of pranks I've done in my classroom. Several of these videos have millions of views.
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Interesting photos, links, or quotes. Sometimes I'll use this to participate in events or respond to questions.
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Mostly personal photos of things I find interesting
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My public page on Facebook. Feel free to like the page to see links to my videos and some photos.


I was born in April 1971 in Orange, California. I have lived in Southern California, Mexico City, Guererro Mexico, Dallas Texas, and Tucson Arizona. I graduated from Canyon Del Oro High School in Tucson, Arizona in May 1989. I graduated from Biola University in May 1993. I graduated from University of Southern California with a Master's degree in May 2005. Now I live in La Mirada, California. I work for the Office of Digital Learning and Program Development and the Math Department at Biola.