Bible Reading Record

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Personal Bible Reading Record

I made this document as an easy way to keep a record of Bible reading. It shows all 1189 chapters of the Bible on one page, which you can print out and keep in your Bible. Just mark off each chapter as you read it. Here's a sample of what it looks like:

I'm posting two versions, the PDF document, which everyone will be able to print, and a Microsoft Excel version, in case you have Excel, and would like to make changes:

PDF Document: Bible_Reading_Record.pdf
Excel Document: Bible_Reading_Record.xls

Print it out, then fold it in half. Or, print one side, flip the paper length-wise, then print on the back, and cut in half.

This was inspired by a similar reading record titled "My Personal Reading Record", maybe published by NavPress. It ends with the following verse: "And now bretheren, I commend you to God, and to the Word if His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified." - Acts 20:32

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Your message to Matthew:

Created and maintained by Matthew Weathers. Last updated Jun 4, 2007.